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Creating a ODR Data Type

Note: for each file mentioned, search for "named_pipe" or "namedpipe" to see an example values for what to do.

  1. Build out the fields for the new new datatype at ./docs/odr/references/<DATA_TYPE>.md
  2. Create a sample structured json input in ./sample_files/structured/<DATA_TYPE>.json
    • In ./cmd/enrichment/enrichment/cli/submit_to_nemesis/ add a handler at the top of the process_file() function.
  3. Build a new \<DATA_TYPE>Ingestion and \<DATA_TYPE>IngestionMessage protbuf definitions in nemesis.proto
  4. In ./cmd/enrichment/enrichment/services/web_api/ add in the data type name to protobuf mapping in MAP at the top of the file.
  5. In ./packages/python/nemesiscommon/nemesiscommon/ create a new Q_\<DATA_TYPE> queue and add it to the ALL_QUEUES list.
    • If there will be intial and processed versions of the data type, also create a Q_\<DATA_TYPE>_PROCESSED queue and add it to the ALL_QUEUES list.
  6. If the ODR should ingest into Elasticsearch:
    1. Create a new ES_INDEX_\<DATA_TYPE> in in Elastic index section in ./packages/python/nemesiscommon/nemesiscommon/
    2. In ./cmd/enrichment/enrichment/tasks/
      • Add \<DATA_TYPE>_queue to the init section
      • Create a send_\<DATA_TYPE>() function and add the call to the tasks list in run().
    3. In ./cmd/enrichment/enrichment/
      • In the Container class add a inputq_\<DATA_TYPE>_elasticconnector similar to the surrounding examples.
      • In task_elasticconnector() add the new queue as an argument.
  7. If the ODR should ingest into Postgres:
    1. In ./helm/nemesis/files/postgres/nemesis.sql create the appropriate table.
      • Start up the infra and navigate to the tables in Postgres to ensure everything created correctly (an error will prevent everything from being created).
    2. In ./cmd/enrichment/enrichment/lib/
      • Create a new dataclass at the top of the file for your object to store in Postgres.
      • In the NemesisDbInterface class create a new add_\<DATA_TYPE>_object() abstract method that accepts the new dataclass.
      • In the NemesisDb class implement the add_\<DATA_TYPE>_object() method similiar to the surrounding examples.
    3. In ./cmd/enrichment/enrichment/tasks/postgres_connector/
      • Import the new dataclass in the from enrichment.lib.nemesis_db import section at the top of the file.
      • Add a new \<DATA_TYPE>_q MessageQueueConsumerInterface to the init sections of the PostgresConnector class, ensuring the argument position matches what you specified in
      • In run(), add a self.\<DATA_TYPE\>_q.Read(self.process_\<DATA_TYPE\>), # type: ignore line to the asyncio.gather section.
      • Implement a process_\<DATA_TYPE>() function (see process_named_pipe() for a simple example).
    4. In ./cmd/enrichment/enrichment/
      • In the Container class add a inputq_\<DATA_TYPE>_postgresconnector similar to the surrounding examples.
      • In task_postgresconnector() add the new queue as an argument.