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Ingesting a New Seatbelt Datatype

Note: for each file mentioned, search for "named_pipe" or "namedpipe" to see an example values for what to do.

  1. Generate a sample .ndjson output file for the module from Seatbelt for testing.
  2. In ./cmd/enrichment/enrichment/tasks/raw_data_tag/
    • In SeatbeltDtoTypes at the top add in a maping for the "Seatbelt.Commands.Windows.\<DATA_TYPE>" output.
    • Create a new Seatbelt\<DATA_TYPE> dataclass with case sensitive fields that match the Seatbelt data type.
      • Implement from_dict() and to_protobuf() functions and include any additional mapping/processing for specific fields needed.
  3. In ./cmd/enrichment/enrichment/
    • In the Container class add a outputq_\<DATA_TYPE> similar to the surrounding examples and ensure it's sorted alphabetically.
    • In task_rawdatatag() add the new queue as an argument.
  4. In ./cmd/enrichment/enrichment/tasks/raw_data_tag/
    • Add a MessageQueueProducerInterface for the datatype in the init sections, ensuring the argument position matches what you specified in
    • In process_seatbelt_raw_data() pass the new queue to seatbelt_json()
  5. In ./cmd/enrichment/enrichment/tasks/raw_data_tag/
    • Import the new Seatbelt\<DATA_TYPE> dataclass in the from enrichment.tasks.raw_data_tag.seatbelt_datatypes section at the top of the file.
    • Add a MessageQueueProducerInterface for the datatype in the init sections, ensuring the argument position matches what you specified in
    • In process_dto(), add a new elif obj.Type == SeatbeltDtoTypes.<DATA_TYPE\>.value: section to handle processing.
      • See the nearby SeatbeltDtoTypes.NAMED_PIPE.value example if emitting a <DATA_TYPE>IngestionMessage protobuf.
      • See the SeatbeltDtoTypes.SLACK_DOWNLOADS.value example if shoving data straight into Postgres.