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Troubleshooting, Common Errors, and Support

Freshly Install Nemesis

If you want to start fresh again you can run the following general steps:

minikube delete   # delete your current cluster
minikube start    # start up minikube again

# Optionally configure Helm values in `./helm/nemesis/values.yaml`
helm install nemesis ./helm/nemesis

"INSTALLATION FAILED" - "timed out waiting for the condition"

Observed error: You see an INSTALLATION FAILED error stating timed out waiting for the condition

Cause: This is usually caused due to large docker images taking a long time to pull, eventually causing Helm hit its deployment timeout.

Fix: Delete any resource that have been deployed:

helm uninstall nemesis    # Delete Nemesis resources
helm uninstall monitoring # Delete Monitoring resources if any were installed
kubectl delete all --all -n default

Then, reinstall everything but specify a higher timeout period (e.g., 90 minutes).

helm install --repo nemesis nemesis --timeout '90m'`

While Nemesis is deploying, you can quickly monitor deployed pods by running the script. If the image is still pulling, usually the pod's status will be ContainerCreating or Init: #/#. You can run kubectl describe pods <POD_NAME> to view some details about the pod, and if it's still pulling the image there will be an event similar to this:

  Type    Reason     Age    From               Message
  ----    ------     ----   ----               -------
  Normal  Scheduled  3m49s  default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/gotenberg-855956f8b8-tls27 to minikube
  Normal  Pulling    3m47s  kubelet            Pulling image "gotenberg/gotenberg:8.0.1"

"CONTAINER can't be pulled" error

When running skaffold, you may encounter an error stating:

deployment/__ failed. Error: container is waiting to start: ____ can't be pulled

This error usually occurs when on a slower internet connection and occurs because skaffold has to pull down a large docker image and eventually times out due to the download taking too long. This most commonly occurs with the gotenberg image, manifesting with this error:

deployment/gotenberg failed. Error: container gotenberg is waiting to start: gotenberg/gotenberg:7.7.0 can't be pulled.

Two solutions: * Run minikube ssh docker pull CONTAINER to manually pull an individual docker image into minikube. * In the root of the repo run ./scripts/ This will pull all Nemesis docker images into minikube w/o using skaffold.

Troubleshooting Minikube's Internet/DNS

The easiest way to troubleshoot internet/DNS issues is to use minikube ssh to get a terminal in the minikube host. From there, you can test connectivity in a variety of ways:

# Test internet connectivity
ping -c 1

# Test DNS

# Test docker image pulling is working
docker pull debian:11

If minikube can connect to the internet but DNS isn't working, add the following to /etc/docker/daemon.json and restart Docker with sudo service docker restart:

    "dns": [""]

Need additional help?

Please file an issue or feel free to ask questions in the #nemesis-chat channel in the Bloodhound Slack (click here to join).